Information About Shamsul Haq Haidari

Shamsul Haq Haidari

Basic science

Shamsul Haq Haidari was born in 1989 in Maidan Wardak province district of Band-e-Chak in an academic family. He has finished his school in Araban High School.

In 2010, after successfully passing the entrance exam of Kankor to the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Kabul Polytechnic University, he graduated with a bachelor's degree and outstanding grades from this university.

Shamsul-Haq Heidari was hired as a permanent lecturer of chemistry at Bakhtar University in 2015. He worked as a permanent lecturer of chemistry at Bakhtar University for three years. He was hired as a permanent faculty member for the subject of chemistry in 2019 at Ghalib University (Kabul). In addition to being a lecturer of chemistry, currently he is a permanent member of the Examination Committee as representative of  stomatology faculty and the Cultural Committee of the University.